Convert PDF to Excel - PDF to Excel converter

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Document upload
You can drag-n-drop or click in dropzone to select and upload your document.
Arrange PDF(s)
PDF files are converted to Excel in order how you uploaded them. If you want to change order simply drag-n-drop them and arrange new order how you like.
If option has configuration, after document upload is finished, you'll see configuration form. When you are done with configuration proceed on document processing and wait until you do not see download section.
PDF to Excel download
After PDFs are converted to Excel you'll see link to final Excel in the list. Just click on link and download will start. It is simply and also FREE!
Start again?
If you want to convert PDF documents to Excel again below download box you can find button "Again?", just click on it and you can upload new document(s) for further conversion.
How safe my documents are?
We use HTTPS protocol to encrypt communication between us. All documents will be deleted 1h after processing. PDFtodo will never open any of your documents.
PDF to Excel limits
Only PDF documents can be uploaded for conversion to Excel. Max. PDF size is 100Mb. You can upload max. 10 documents for parallel processing.
Can PDFtodo convert scanned PDFs?
No, if you have PDF which is scanned copy of some document it cannot be converted to Excel as far that you'll need some OCR software.